Growing Black Bamboo In Containers

With a maximum height that only reaches 20 feet tall this bamboo is known for staying even smaller when kept in a container.
Growing black bamboo in containers. With special attention and care it can easily be restricted in a container. For that reason a rule of thumb is to take the in ground spacing guidelines and divide them by half. Black bamboo like other types can also be enjoyed as a container plant. Make sure that your container has sufficient bottom holes to prevent waterlogging while growing bamboo in pots.
To improve drainage add a thin layer of sand at the base of the pot. The most important thing when choosing a container to grow your bamboo plant in is size. Bamboo grows best outside in the ground but growing it in pots is possible. When you first start out you most likely plant black bamboo in a container so that it can be easily contained and grow efficiently.
Better care must be taken to ensure the potted plants get lots of water and shade in the hot summer sun. As bamboo prefers slightly moist soil water it twice a week and increase the quantity if the air is dry and hot. It is just as important in winter to make sure the bamboo doesn t freeze. Planters should be as large as your space will allow.
While it is also popular as a small indoor plant or bonsai it is highly versatile and adaptable to most conditions. Since running bamboo puts out so many runners it s likely to become root bound much faster. The more your bamboo has room to grow the healthier it will be. Accommodate this growth pattern by choosing a.
In the ground black bamboo grows 3 to 5 feet in height every year eventually reaching. If all of this seems too daunting or if you have minimal garden space then remember this black bamboo information. For example a bamboo that should be planted 7 feet apart in the ground in a container will only need a 3 to 4 feet spacing. Choose a container that will allow the bamboo s root system to grow for two to three years before moving up in container size or having to remove divide and replant.
Larger planters also offer more insulation from the cold better protecting your bamboo from freezing. To care for it make sure that you put it in loam based compost as well as place fertilizer or liquid fertilizer in it every single month. How fast does black running bamboo grow in pots. Bamboo grows a lot even the clumping kind and leaving it in the same pot for too long will make it become root bound and weak eventually killing it.
Bamboo in containers does not grow as large as potted bamboo. The minimum size container for growing most types of bamboo would be 10 gallons in volume.